There’s no arguing, gravity is always hanging around - but it doesn’t have to hold us down! Today we are taking a look into how gravity can be utilised to create energy storage solutions. In this episode, Quentin is joined by Robin Lane (Commercial Director at Gravitricity). Over the course of the conversation, they discuss:
⚡ The science behind the technology - the advantages, the limitations and the ways in which Gravitricity are tackling them.
⚡ A look at the CAPEX involved in building these structures and what the future cost curve looks like.
⚡ Where gravity storage technologies fit into our future energy toolkit.
⚡ Where these projects are located and how to utilise existing structures.
⚡ And, of course, where Gravitricity fits into all this - and what the future looks like for them.
Mentioned in the episode
The answer to ‘how long would it take for a penny to fall 600 meters’. = 11.0656667034 seconds.
About our guest
Gravitricity are developing long-life, below-ground gravity and hydrogen storage technologies which store energy safely and deliver it on demand, For more information on what they do visit their website.
Connect with Robin on LinkedIn
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