When it comes to the current psychedelic renaissance happening today, I believe the age old notion applies for all of us who call ourselves psychedelic proponents that we are standing on the shoulders of the giants that have paved the way for us thus far. These individuals, like todays guest on the show, have not only risked their freedom, but have done so to be able to destigmatize these medicines & allow them to be slowly re-imagined by society at large as the potent & powerful medicines & teachers they rightly are. Todays guest on the show is a gentleman who I, as well as countless others in the world of Cannabis, have looked up to as an icon, proponent & comedic relief within the movement to bring Cannabis out of the dark ages & into the light of awe that it is currently experiencing in the world today. He is one half of the iconic duo “Cheech & Chong”, which for over 40 years has been supplying the world with deep belly laughter surrounding the subject of Cannabis & the little quirks all of us Cannabis lovers know so well with the plant, he also played a star role as “Leo” in “That 70’s show” & along with these incredible accomplishments, he has also gone through his fair share of hardships in being an activist for Cannabis, most recently being arrested & put in jail at the age of 65 in 2003 for selling pipes on the internet that could be used for smoking Cannabis. In this episode, we will be diving into his epic career that propelled Cannabis to a new height of mainstream attention, his journeys with other psychedelics, the hardships he has endured & much, much more. So, please help me in welcoming the one, the only, mister Tommy Chong to the show!
Show Notes:
(3:14) How Tommy got into psychedelics.
(21:31) Check out FreedomBuilderz.com!
(28:45) Tommy’s brother, one tough S.O.B.
(34:23) Tommy’s first acid trip.
(41:00) Tommy’s trip to prison.
(52:08) Join the Highly Optimized Ceremony Circle on Facebook!
(1:03:04) Tommy’s philosophy on material things.
(1:03:43) Where you can reach Tommy.
(1:04:36) Tommy’s final piece of advice for the listeners!
Connect with Tommy
IG: @heytommychong
Website: https://tommychong.com/
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This episode was produced by Mazel Tov Media in Quincy, Massachusetts.