If I sum up all that plant medicines have taught me into one statement, it would best be described as the hermetic law of correspondence, which states as above, so below. For me, this principle was something I “knew” for a long time & could define if someone asked me, however, I had yet to “realize” it, aka make it real for me, in my individual experience of life. When I meet others who have so beautifully been able to integrate their plant medicine experiences in a way that has allowed for maximum growth & enjoyment out of life, it beams me up to infinity & beyond, as I truly believe that is what these medicines were put on earth to do, to assist us in our journey of self discovery & leaving nothing on the table when we transition out of this realm. Todays guest on the show is someone who when I first met, it was immediately apparent that he had, in fact, been able to integrate his experiences in this way. He is an extremely talented yoga instructor & offers online classes that can be done anytime, anywhere in the world through the inner dimension tv network, is also a holistic movement Coach, where he joins the realms of strength & mobility to aid his clients in feeling healthy & strong simultaneously & is the man behind ahimsa ceremonial hunting, in which he facilitates for those looking to tap into the sacred practice of hunting to connect deeper to their food, themselves & life as a whole.
Show Notes:
(3:20) When your mindset on psychedelics gets shifted.
(4:27) The first time taking mushrooms.
(5:58) Ryan’s first challenging psychedelic experience.
(12:02) Self-Development.
(12:47) Highly Optimized Ceremony Circle on Facebook.
(14:27) Psycheldelics & Yoga.
(22:29) Some of Mychael’s most profound experiences.
(27:16) Taking the first dose.
(45:08) The idea of the tremoring.
(41:33) The Connect With Cannabis Program.
(47:17) Using a coaching modality called, “The Model”.
(49:02) Where and how to reach Mychael.
(49:56) Final Question…
This episode was produced by Mazel Tov Media in Quincy, Massachusetts.