One of my favorite aspects of hosting this podcast is being able to connect with like minded individuals who go from acquaintances to family in a very short time. For me, my experience of “success” in life is measured by how many meaningful relationships I have within my life & when I take a second to look at my life objectively in the present day, I am eternally grateful & humbled by the incredible family I get to be a part of in the wide wide world. Todays guest on the show is someone who became family to me almost immediately after we met, as I truly believe we were able to pick back up in this lifetime where we left off in the last. He is someone who helps me feel safe in my experience of life just by the knowing that we are walking the planet at the same time & is someone who is extremely knowledgeable & well versed on the topics of psychedelics, holistic health, coaching & how to look at each client he works with as an individual with specific needs, rather than the way the typical western healthcare views people & lumps them all together as simply “human beings.” In addition to this, he is a doctor of medical qi Gong & in todays episode, we will be exploring his recent experiences with medicines, his latest downloads & aha moments & revisiting the importance of having modalities, such as qi gong & art therapy, that can act as anchors for individuals looking to integrate their experiences with plant medicines & psychedelics for lasting change in their lives far past the PEAK experience they have while connecting with these medicines.
Show Notes:
(0:01) Intro, Catching up with Jason & Being Present.
(9:42) Connect With Cannabis.
(12:50) Interacting with Powerful Medicines.
(17:31) What makes a great Practitioner & importance of awareness.
(23:30) Jason talks about being harmonized in life.
(35:23) Join our Community!
(36:40) Challenging interactions while using psychedelics.
This episode was produced by Mazel Tov Media in Quincy, Massachusetts.