I imagine everyone listening to this show at this time can think back to a time where they met someone & it felt as though you had somehow known each other already, as if you were simply picking up where you left off in another lifetime. These are one of the many mystical occurrences that, when they happen within my life, remind me that there are much bigger, mysterious forces at play within our collective experience of life. These are the times in which I experience synchronicity & serendipity, which I choose to believe are the language of the universe speaking directly to me & giving me the metaphorical wink & smirk that a dear friend who knows exactly what our soul is craving would give when we are in need of a good cosmic giggle. Buying the ticket & taking the ride with us today on the show is a gentleman who when I first chatted with, gave me these exact feelings. Our dialogue flowed as if we were long lost brothers finding each other once more in the infinite sea of possibilities that is the universe at large & I knew after having him on Highly Optimized that we needed to jump down the rabbit hole into the mysteries surrounding his plant medicine experiences, what they opened up for him, what he has learned about himself as a result & mutual curiosities we have surrounding the subject of life as a whole. For those of you that are looking for cosmic laughter in your experience of life as of this moment, this episode is sure to fill that cup, unleash your inner child & set your cruise control directly into the state of vacation vibration with us.
This episode was produced by Mazel Tov Media in Quincy, Massachusetts.