As a man in the 21st century, one of the main aspects of utility that Plant medicines & psychedelics have offered me in my journey is that of the all but missing rites of passage traditions that human beings have been a part of since the dawn of time. In ancient times as well as the modern day in certain cultures, these rites of passage acted as milestones, especially for men, in which they would leave their boyhood behind in place of the newly achieved manhood resulting from taking part in these rites of passage, many which included & still include plant medicines to this day. What this offered is, among many other things, a sense of “direction” as to what life truly was, how to integrate into new chapters of ones life & the celebration around the aging process & the wisdom that came along with it, rather than the misery surrounding aging that much of western societies have fallen into the trap of believing. Sharing his time & wisdom with us on the podcast today is a man who is doing his part in re-establishing these rites of passage for men in the way of men’s work, which he does in both 1 on 1 containers as well as group format, such as in his collaborative work with the masculine alchemy & embodiment group Sacred Sons & is someone who has been able to have massive shifts & move through painful challenges in his life through the medicinal, intentional interactions he has had with plant medicines. This episode is going to be a deep dive into a lot of juicy subjects surrounding men’s work, what psychedelics can offer us when connected with intentionally, what his biggest lessons he has learned through plant medicines have been & much, much more!
This episode was produced by Mazel Tov Media in Quincy, Massachusetts.