Hello & welcome every body to part 3 of our “Conscious Cannabis” series! In part one, we illuminated for each of you the differences between an unhealthy, dependent relationship with Cannabis & a healthy, conscious relationship with Cannabis & in part two, we shared the foundation for how to connect with Cannabis as a spiritual aid & ally & for this week, we’re going to open up the FULL potential of what comes forth as a result of this process AND the real reasons we do what we do. Within this episode, we cover a LOT of ground in the realms of healing versus expanding & how to reimagine these terms, what trauma is & various modalities we utilize with Cannabis to heal these distortions, what this journey has looked like on a more personal side in both of our lives & much, much more.
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Show Notes:
(01:39) Alex joins the show!
(04:10) The heart has to come before the mind.
(04:46) Expanding vs. healing.
(16:43) Teaching more than just cannabis.
(24:29) Building a foundation.
(32:24) New level, new devil…
(44:32) What we teach in the program!
(52:28) Top down vs. bottom up approaches…
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This episode was produced by Mazel Tov Media in Quincy, Massachusetts.