One of, if not my favorite aspect of psychedelic experiences is their ability to allow us to experience pure truth, above the duality focused viewpoint of our minds. When we are able to have these experiences, we get glimpses of who & what we truly are & also what mission we came into this incarnation to bring to life. For many of us that connect with psychedelic medicines, this exploration of truth is a fascination for us & in todays episode, we will be chatting with a man who’s passion for truth goes well beyond simply a curiosity. From his long-standing show, “Truth Theory” to his coaching work & “Exit The Matrix” course, his mission is to help as many people as possible break the illusory chains of the 3d experience to transcend into higher dimensions & an overall more joyful experience of life & within this episode, we dive deep into his journey with psychedelic medicines, his thoughts around negative entities & some of the methods he has utilized to successfully detach these types of entities from him & much, much more.
Show Notes:
(00:42) Mike’s bio.
(02:25) Mike Joins the show!
(05:22) Fire & Psychedelics.
(10:28) How Mike sees psychedelics.
(16:25) When the real work begins…
(22:40) The biggest challenges you will face.
(33:24) Theories around psychedelics.
(59:08) Biogeometry.
(01:17:54) Where you can reach Mike!
(01:19:25) One final question!
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This episode was produced by Mazel Tov Media in Quincy, Massachusetts.