One of the teachings that has changed my life more than any other is the first hermetic principle, which states that the universe is mental. For me, I translate this into the notion that nothing in our lives is objective in nature & in actuality, everything is subjective based on the story/narrative we give it. As such, one could theorize that our fulfillment, joy & ultimate success in life can be characterized by what type of story teller we are & the degree to which the stories we tell ourselves about ourselves & life as a whole are empowering & uplifting, rather than disempowering & draining. Todays guest on the show is a returning guest, dear friend of mine & is someone who has assisted me in creating the most powerful & potent stories from which I can express myself through & share myself with the world as a result of & in this episode, we dive deep into what’s been transpiring in his life, the power of these stories & much, much more.
Show Notes:
(0:42) Kyle Gray’s Bio.
(02:56) An update from Kyle.
(06:08) 5MEO-DMT Experience.
(10:10 Celebrate your wins!
(17:16) Advice vs. the answer…
(33:10) Netflix vs. Gaia.
(40:42) Knowing what you don’t want.
(56:55) MDMA-
(58:33) Where you can reach Kyle!
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This episode was produced by Mazel Tov Media in Quincy, Massachusetts.