One of, if not the most common questions I receive from individuals who have been in the psychedelic space for some time now is how to know when you need a break from the medicines to integrate. The challenge with this is that ultimately the answer is going to be different from person to person, however, there are some telltale signs to look out for, along with a roadmap of how to understand when you are ready & have the necessary bandwidth to go back to the medicine. This is why in todays episode, I invited my dear brother & business partner, who has taken the last year off of all medicines to integrate to a deeper degree, to come onto the show & share why he decided to take the break, how the break has been, what it has opened up for him & his thoughts surrounding what these periods of integration are truly for within the big picture of life. For those of you out there who are committed to leveling up & are consciously connecting with medicines, trust me when I say that this is one episode that you’re going to want to hit.
Show Notes:
(0:42) Alex’s Bio.
(02:34) An update from Alex!
(07:03) How to know when enough is enough.
(15:42) Mental vs. Emotional.
(26:24) Getting into fitness.
(40:26) Martial Arts.
(51:39) Holding yourself accountable.
(59:26) Where you can reach Alex!
About Alex
Meet Alex Morningstar, a seasoned explorer of the psychedelic realm and my dear brother and business partner. With a wealth of insights on integration in the psychedelic journey, Alex addresses the common question: When is the right time for a break to truly integrate these experiences? Having taken a year off from all medicines, Alex shares his journey, highlighting why he chose this path and the profound openings it brought.
Connect with Alex
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This episode was produced by Mazel Tov Media in Quincy, Massachusetts.
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