One of the terms I love most when I think of living a Highly Optimized life is the notion of thriving. To me, thriving perfectly illustrates the idea of being at your best & simultaneously knowing it & embodying that state of being. This being said, it begs the question of why SO many of us only get glimpses of what thriving truly feels like in our lives, while others seem to be able to tap into this state much more frequently. Today's guest on the show is a returning guest & dear friend of mine who has made it her mission to guide others into their ultimate thriving state. From her Amazon best-selling book, “Finally Thriving”, to her newest creation, the “Finally Thriving” program, which you can join the waitlist for by diving into the show notes of this episode, it’s safe to say that for any of you tuning in who are looking to bring a deeper sense of thriving to your life, that this episode will open up many possibilities for you to chew on.
Show Notes:
(0:42) Allison’s Bio.
(03:08) 2023 in a nutshell.
(13:56) The messy closet theory.
(18:04) The simplicity of the day-to-day is key.
(32:09) Finding joy is the answer.
(40:52) Knowing who you are.
(57:19) Where you can connect with Allison!
(01:01:24) In conclusion…
About Allison
Allison Pelot is the author of Amazon's best-seller, Finally Thriving, your empowered guide to wellness, and the creator of the Finally Thriving Program. She teaches people how to create a self-care practice that will nurture their spirit by learning how to express themselves through voice, pure presence, and inner creativity. Allison empowers people to feel creative, curious, and excited to express themselves in a way that honors their unique gift and is deeply healing. She is the hostess of the podcast, Integrate Yourself, which isn’t just a talk show - it’s a live experience. Through Allison’s signature mix of humor and authenticity, her podcast has inspired thousands to approach their health and wellness in a new way. She guides her audience to tap into their creative expression and embrace their joy to discover their hidden talents.
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This episode was produced by Mazel Tov Media in Quincy, Massachusetts.
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