For any of you who have gone through darkness in your life, you know full well how challenging this process can be. For me, one of the most challenging aspects of these times when I find myself in darkness is ensuring I am committing to seeing this darkness as happening FOR me, rather than to me. I have seen SO many people fall victim to their victim mentality in these times & to be honest, it can be extremely hard not to, however, if we can rise above that darkness & see it happening for our greater good, unbelievable magic can open up in our lives. Today's guest on the show is a man who knows this topic of darkness well in his life. From battling addiction & almost losing his life multiple times, to overcoming his addictions by going after the root causes of these addictions & leveraging the wisdom of plant medicines to assist in that process, it’s safe to say that he knows a thing or two about how to navigate this process successfully. In today's episode, we will be diving into his journey, including stories that will shock you, make your spine shiver & leave you with a deep sense of empowerment in how your own life can be related to his hero’s journey.
Show Notes:
(0:42) Kristian’s Bio.
(02:58) Some background on Kristian.
(17:33) Looking at things with a hermetic perspective.
(20:27) Wound healing.
(23:28) “If you know your why, you can bear any how”.
(28:36) Kristian is a wild dude…
(39:59) One of Ryan’s earliest memories…
(45:48) Integration is where the real work begins.
(47:06) Where you can connect with Kristian!
(47:34) One final question!
About Kristian
Kristian Hval is a resilient soul who navigated the depths of addiction, turning darkness into empowerment. His transformative journey includes facing the roots of struggles and leveraging the wisdom of plant medicines. Kristian's story is a testament to the power of embracing challenges, making him an inspiring guide on the hero's journey.
Connect with Kristian
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This episode was produced by Mazel Tov Media in Quincy, Massachusetts.
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