As many of you are well aware of in tuning into the show & seeing me online for some time now, I love absolutely nothing more than powerful & profound conversations. For me, conversing is an art form that, to be honest, I feel is lacking in the modern-day world. The ability to go deep into the notion that we will never “know” anything, yet still be curious & excited to explore the blank canvas we call life is something that I thrive on & today's episode is a perfect example of what can happen when we don’t focus on a plan, but rather, open ourselves up to the divine intelligence awaiting within us & have faith that what comes out will be perfectly unique. Today's guest on the show is a returning guest who is one of many of your favorites. He is the creator of “The Abundance Archetype”, which is a mastermind designed to decouple what we believe we know about abundance & allow us to tap into TRUE abundance, which, rather than being tied to one specific area of life, such as finance, is instead the source of abundance that comes from within & trickles out into the external world from that place of infinite abundance. In todays episode, which we did live from his EPIC new house, we dive into the topic of abundance, the mysteries of life & much, much more.
Show Notes:
(0:42) Jason’s Bio.
(03:05) Life update!
(07:40) More money, bigger impact.
(09:11) What is abundance?
(16:02) Energy moves in 3 ways.
(21:32) Getting comfortable with the uncomfortable.
(29:54) Reorient yourself.
(37:10) The core values of our society.
(53:58) Simplicity is complexity.
(01:06:17) Break up the tea party…
(01:31:27) Where you can connect with Jason!
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This episode was produced by Mazel Tov Media in Quincy, Massachusetts.
About Jason
Meet Jason, a Wall Street prodigy who, by his early 30s, fulfilled his dream of becoming a highly successful trader with a billion-dollar portfolio and a partnership with Paul Tudor Jones. Despite this, a critical moment at 26 prompted him to prioritize well-being over extreme wealth. Weighing 330 lbs, he transformed his lifestyle, walking away from financial success to align with his heart and soul's purpose. Jason's journey from consumption to sustainability, from achievement to contribution, reflects the transformative power of holistic well-being, emphasizing that true success encompasses more than financial gains.
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This episode was produced by Mazel Tov Media in Quincy, Massachusetts.
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