One thing I believe we all truly seek at our core is the ability to feel whole. This being said, the lack of feeling whole is arguably one of the biggest challenges in modern-day society. We have 1000’s of “friends” on social media, more distractions & shiny lights than ever & yet this problem has only gotten worse as we’ve continued to stray away from the true nature of our being in place of what we have been programmed to believe will lead to true fulfillment & wholeness. For me, I don’t know if there is “one” solution to this multi-faceted issue, but one thing I know is that by reconnecting to the natural world, we can set in motion a chain of events that will begin to allow us to remember who & what we truly are &, in my opinion, one of the most effective & practical tools to deepen our connection to nature is the idea of microdosing psilocybin. Microdosing, as opposed to macrodosing, allows us to experience the magic of medicines such as psilocybin without having to have deep experiences that for many, are not desired. Today's guest on the show is a man who knows the power & potency of microdosing routines in one’s life, as he has experienced this magic firsthand not only in his own life but also in the lives of numerous clients within his 1:1 mentorship work & his “Microdosing Mastermind.” Within the mastermind specifically, his mission is to empower his clients to take full ownership of their habits, health, healing & happiness by equipping them with the tools to do so & the necessary support to achieve any & all goals they create for themselves. Be prepared to have your mind expanded to new horizons surrounding what is possible in the realm of microdosing & beyond as I welcome my man Jeremy Abramson to the show!
Show Notes:
(1:47) Jeremy’s Bio.
(04:21) How did Jeremy first get into psychedelics?
(13:49) What’s the most profound download Jeremy has gotten from his experiences?
(18:08) A story from Jeremy’s Mastermind.
(27:30) A quick quote that Ryan loves!
(53:20) Where you can connect with Jeremy!
(56:03) How to reach Jeremy!
(57:07) One final question…
About Jeremy
Jeremy Seth Abramson is a world-renowned speaker, podcast host, coach, and founder of the Microdosing Mastermind.
Connect with Jeremy
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This episode was produced by Mazel Tov Media in Quincy, Massachusetts.
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