For many of us who have dove into the world of psychedelic medicines, we have experienced the drastic shifts that can happen as a result in our lives. Sometimes these shifts are small & sometimes they are large, however, what I’ve come to understand is that in all cases, these shifts allow us to benefit from the shedding of one or more of the masks we have been wearing in our lives, leaving us with a purer, richer sense of who & what we truly are. Todays guest on the show is a woman who understands these shifts well & has experienced them firsthand. From a merely surviving workaholic in the workaholic culture so many of us know today to a heart centered pivot into the world of conscious leading as a result of her experiences with psychedelics & other powerful modalities, she is committed to helping her clients transform their businesses into consciously led organizations that break the long held molds of what corporate life looks like through her business, Dotconnect, which was named one of the fastest growing businesses on the ink5000 list in 2022 & more recently, her book, Now Here.
Show Notes:
(1:14) Dom’s Bio.
(2:34) How did Dom become interested in psychedelics?
(5:33) Dom’s first ceremony and what she experienced.
(11:19) Being a little nervous is healthy…
(15:35) Becoming a mom.
(20:01) What are the differences between psilocybin and ayahuasca?
(29:02) The real work with psychedelics begins after the ceremony!
(36:28) How plant medicines have helped expand the relationship with self.
(38:29) Connecting with your divine nature and understanding yourself.
(44:12) How did plant medicines help with creativity?
(50:22) Dom’s HIGHdeas.
(53:10) Where you can reach Dom!
(53:45) One final question…
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This episode was produced by Mazel Tov Media in Quincy, Massachusetts.