One of my all time favorite aspects of podcasting & doing the work I do is having the opportunity to meet absolutely EPIC humans that become instant brothers & sisters in my life. For me, that feeling of picking right up where we left off in a previous lifetime is one of the feelings that informs me I am in alignment & am on the right path to continue creating self awareness, self acceptance & ultimately, self realization as a divine, infinite being having a human experience. Stopping by to share his pure magic with each of you today is a man who, as I stated already, immediately felt like someone I had known my entire life when I met him. Not only this, but it is rare that I meet individuals with complimentary energy to my own, as, being a fire sign, I move fast & quick & would never expect those who aren’t wired this way to understand or care to live into the “all gas, no brakes” type mentality that I personally adore so much. In this episode, we dive into some absolutely hysterical stories of his, some of his personal theories that have come from psychedelic experiences & we also take a trip down the rabbit hole ourselves in discussing some far out topics that we hope you each enjoy as much as we did speaking about them.
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This episode was produced by Mazel Tov Media in Quincy, Massachusetts.