Recently, I have been meeting some individuals that have been absolutely blowing my mind & allowing me to tap into the psychedelic nature of life in my sober state of reality, both with their information & knowledge as well as having first hand experiences of their magic. Todays returning guest to the show is someone who has very quickly become a dear friend of mine & someone who has given me an unbelievable amount of power back in the incredible work she does with channeling. For some of you, you may have heard of channeling before & for others, this may be a newer subject for you & as such, in this episode, we first dive into the practicality of how to understand what channeling is & how one can begin tapping into this ability themselves before we go into some of the downloads she has received for me in real time. This episode was truly a blast to record & we got to do so in person in her beautiful space where she treats clients & her & I went into a pure flow state & dialogued everything that was coming through our hearts.
About Mary
I am a highly sensitive being here to assist soul's as they journey this earth plane. I utilize my channel to translate frequencies (information) to those who sit before me. i am a witness to your journey to discover your true self. I interpret this plane, this existence on earth, with information from the quantum field and subtle energies. Automatic reception of this information (these frequencies) occur by way of my clair senses. Mediumship is a modality that is used as well, but it is dependent on if the passed loved ones or ancestors are called to come through and if that consciousness is for the highest good of the client and thereby all. The process of interpretation and translation of this information is what I have been mastering since I can remember.
Connect with Mary
Instagram: @somethin.about.mary
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This episode was produced by Mazel Tov Media in Quincy, Massachusetts.