Join mental illness advocate, Shaley Hoogendoorn as she takes you through her journey with pregnancy and parenthood. Shaley is open and honest about what it felt like to be pregnant with undiagnosed bipolar disorder and diagnosed at 32 with a toddler and preschooler. If you want to hear a deep dive into what life looked like for a mama living with bipolar disorder raising two daughters- this is the episode for you. Shaley talks about everything from postpartum hypomania & anxiety to how her therapist suggested that she might just be a 'snowplow' parent to her now teenage daughters. There are stories of pregnant work tantrums, elaborate birthday parties, moms groups and how Shaley makes monthly "mom apology tours". It hasn't been an easy road but Shaley has found ways to manage her bipolar disorder and be the best mom she can be to her daughters.
It is Shaley's greatest hope that this episode with give hope and comfort to other parents living with mental illness. Please know that if you are getting treatment, under a doctors care and managing your bipolar well, you too can be a parent. Parents that are committed to talking care of their bipolar disorder are and can be WONDERFUL parents.
this is bipolar....
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