I want you to watch Gene Luen Yang's Ted talk called “Comics Belong in the Classroom!”
Here's why.
It's a hilarious look at why comics are such a powerful medium for our students, how they accidentally got classified as a negative influence on young people (with totally false evidence) and the power they can actually wield for good - Avengers-style.
I was so amazed to learn that library usage goes up 82% in libraries that feature graphic novels, according to a School Library journal article.
This Ted Talk is a quick watch. Gene Luen Yang gives a stellar overview of why comics and graphic novels are so helpful for students, how they fell from grace, and why they deserve their current rise to popularity.
Grab a minute to watch it HERE, and then maybe share it with your department! If you've been struggling to get others onboard with a graphic novel book club, a graphic novel unit, or new graphic novels for your choice reading library, this talk just might help.
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