This week I want to tell you about the most beautiful, powerful, impactful classroom posters I’ve seen on the internet. And they’re totally free.
This isn’t the first time I’ve talked about Amplifier Art on the podcast, and it probably won’t be the last. I’ve even had their executive director, Emily, on the podcast to talk about their incredible wellbeing series.
But since it was Indigenous Peoples Day this week, I think it’s the perfect time to recommend their “Thriving People, Thriving Places” campaign. These posters help to rewrite old narratives and counter stereotypes by featuring modern Indigenous leaders showing strength and courage.
Here’s how Amplifer describes the series: “The Thriving Peoples Thriving Places campaign was a collaboration between Nia Tero and Amplifier, and uplifts the stories of fifteen Indigenous women leaders from locales spanning from the Philippines and New Zealand to the Brazilian Amazon and the Arctic.”
To find these posters, just visit Amplifier Art’s Free Downloads section, then choose Indigenous Resistance and click down at the bottom to show all the posters. Here's the link.
While you’re at Amplifier, I highly recommend looking around at their wellbeing series as well, and all their amazing free poster downloads, to see what else might be a helpful addition to your walls. It’s really an amazing site, and you can easily sign up for their updates while you’re there. They’re hosting their first ever educator’s conference in Los Angeles soon, if you happen to be in that area.
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