In this podcast, discover NINE creative ways to bring Taylor Swift's music into class. Find out how to have students create their own eras, practice public speaking on song-inspired topics with song-inspired tones, build book bracelets or character playlists, practice rhetorical analysis through songs and music videos, and more.
Special thanks to ALL our wonderful guests - Ashley from Building Book Love, Amanda from Mud & Ink Teaching, Delia from @mrsreganreads, Allie from @bayeringwithfreshmen, Meredith from Bespoke ELA, Melissa from Reading and Writing Haven, and Krista from @whimsyandrigor.
Helpful Links:
The Eras Project: Make your copy of the Canva template here
Bookish Bracelets: See an example in this reel
Practice Rhetorical Analysis with Songs: Grab the free rhetorical triangle templates here
Practice Character Analysis with Eras: Pick up the free resource
Teach Narrative Terms with "Love Story": Grab the free resource
Help Students create their own Antiheroes: FREE anti-hero character sketch chart
Guide Students to Practice Tone when they "Talk Swiftly": use this link to download the free teaching tool
Go Further:
Explore alllll the Episodes of The Spark Creativity Teacher Podcast.
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