Do you know about Libro FM's free audiobook program for educators?
It's easy to sign up - they approved me in just one day!
You can register for a free account and sign up here.
Once you’ve enrolled in the ALC program, you’ll quickly build an audiobook library in your account. Even if only a few books a month in the educator program feel exactly right for your classroom, that could be 30+ books a year you’re adding to your device, for free.
Then you can use them for First Chapter Fridays, a classroom audiobook listening station, to preview books you might want to order in paper copy for your library, and just for your own joy!
I HIGHLY recommend you take a minute to sign up today, and you can always figure out how to use all your books later. The sooner you sign up, the sooner you can start building an audiobook library to use later on!
You might also want to tune into episode 166, How to Build an Audiobook Listening Station for your Classroom.
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Explore alllll the Episodes of The Spark Creativity Teacher Podcast.
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