I see a lot of posts each month inside our Facebook group, Creative High School English, asking for text recommendations for different courses. What's the best book to teach ninth graders? The best short story to teach tenth graders? The best performance poetry for seniors?
I love this type of collaboration, because we all make discoveries at our local libraries and bookstores, and in our own little internet corners. You may not know about my absolute favorite yet, and I may not know about yours. With that in mind, today on the podcast I'm going to share my top favorite recent discoveries. This is going to be my (rather long) answer to the next post I see asking for a great course title to order!
We'll be exploring:
This one's not exhaustive by any means, they're just lovely recent favorites that really stood out. I hope you'll find one for your summer TBR and it will wend its way into one of your courses next year.
Go Further:
Explore alllll the Episodes of The Spark Creativity Teacher Podcast.
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