This week on Highly Recommended I’m sharing one of my favorite strategies for saving time AND adding quality to daily work tasks. Doesn’t seem possible, right?
Have you heard of decision fatigue? We make thousands of decisions every day, and it gets harder to make good ones as they stack up. That’s one good reason for having a set wardrobe you like - Steve Jobs-style - or always making tacos on Tuesdays.
It’s also a great reason to use templates in your work. They save time and they cut the number of decisions you have to make in a busy school day. Plus, when you start the daily tasks you usually have to churn out in a hurry with a well-crafted template, you actually create higher quality work.
In today’s episode, we’re talking about how to use templates for tasks like:
Vocab Quizzes
Handout design
And much more…
As you make ANYTHING, think of how you can use it again with a simple tweak.
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