SGU 5x5 #53 - Jan 13 2009
Anecdotal Evidence
Anecdotal Evidence
Skepticism 101 - Channeling
Skepticism 101 - The Argument from Ignorance
Skepticism 101 - Argument from Authority
The 10% Brain Myth
Remote Viewing
Skepticism 101 - Correlation and Causation
Chi and other forms of vitalism
Homonculus-based Medical Pseudoscience
Holocaust Denial
Skepticism 101 - Confirmation Bias
Skepticism 101 - Logical Fallacies: Straw Man Argument
Skepticism 101 - Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.
Skepticism 101 - The Ideomotor Effect
Skepticism 101 - Pareidolia
Skepticism 101 - The Scientific Method
Skepticism 101 - Cold Reading
No sunspots in August - will this lead to a period of solar cooling?
Woman claims wires grow out of her body.
The Shroud of Turin - Shroud scientists try to resurrect the controversy
Skepticism 101 - Occam's Razor
Digital Homeopathy 20 years after Benveniste
Evaluation of a UCONN study of therapeutic touch on bone cells in culture.
The SGU celebrates the 39th anniversary of Apollo 11 by debunking some moon landing hoax myths, and they are joined by Phil Plait, the Bad Astronomer.
Exposing the logical fallacy of equating faith healing with medical care.
Cracking the Dogu Code - Ancient Astronauts
New study sheds light on genetic vs environmental contributions to sexuality.
NASA Plans Probe to the Sun.
New strategy for SETI - The Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence.