0:00:00Introduction Richard Saunders 0:05:24Bend Spoon 2023
Walkley winner Coulthart wins 2023 Bent Spoon for UFOs!
Ross Coulthart, who has won five Walkley awards (including the top Gold Walkley) during his career as a journalist, can now add another prize to the list - the Australian Skeptics' Bent Spoon award. Also we report on some of the more positive awards.
Report about a group promising salvation in the face of doom, and your very own Star Trek replicator! The claims of the creative society come straight out of science fiction. 0:32:42Round Table - Part #3
Fraser Cain from Universe Today joins Brian Dunning from the Skeptoid podcast and Richard Saunders from the Skeptic Zone podcast to talk about the skeptical world and related issues.
This week the three science communicators talk about what it feels like when we are wrong.
Welcome message from James Randi. Those at the 2013 Australian Skeptics National Convention were delighted to see James Randi on the big screen - Australian Skeptics Awards. Who were the winners of this year's awards? Find out with news from the convention - Dr Rachie Reports... This week Dr Rachie finds herself in Qatar where she is attending a conference on toxins. She tells us about the recent court case involving the Australian Vaccination Network (or soon be called... ?? Who know? Maybe you can think up a good name for them.) - A Week in Science - Maynard's Spooky Action... Interviews with delegates and guests at the Australian Skeptics Convention. This week Maynard chats to Ketan Joshi - Mr. X - Kevin Davies - Graham Wilson