0:00:00Introduction Richard Saunders 0:05:28Again with the UFOs
We look at yet another "Any Day Now" (or ADN) story about UFOs. Yes, it appears that, once again, the lid is just about to be lifted and we'll all learn the truth about aliens visiting earth... again. Imagine the frequent flyer points!
Story of Dramatic New "UFO Whistleblower" Begins to Crumble
Susan Gerbic interviews Daniel Reed from the West Virginia Skeptic's Society.
The West Virginia Skeptic's Society is a community of truth-seekers dedicated to promoting critical thinking and skepticism. Their mission is to explore the mysteries of the world around us, from the depths of the cosmos to the depths of the human psyche. They aim to engage in lively discussions, spark new ideas, and solve perplexing mysteries, all while promoting rationality and logical thinking.
A wander through the decades of digitised Australian newspapers on a search for references to NASA and UFOs.
1966.12.12 - The Canberra Times 1973.10.20 - The Canberra Times 1983.01.16 - The Canberra Times 1987.03.08 - The Canberra Times 1989.07.12 - The Canberra Times
A chat with D.J. Grothe, president of the James Randi Educational Foundation - This week Dr Rachie appears on ABC radio to take call in questions about vaccination - A Week in Science Maynard's Spooky Action... Special guest this week is Dr Paul Willis from the Royal Institution of Australia (RiAus). Maynard also chats to people at Sydney Skeptics in the Pub