0:00:00 Introduction Richard Saunders 0:03:12 You Can Count on Adrienne
An interview with Abhijit Chanda from India, host of the "Rationable" Podcast and skeptical activist. One of Abhijit's skeptical interests is the alternative medicine known as Ayurveda or Ayurvedic. This is a system of traditional medicine native to India, which uses a range of treatments, including panchakarma ('five actions'), yoga, massage, acupuncture and herbal medicine, that claims to encourage health and wellbeing. Abhijit also talks about palm reading in India.
When a small paragraph advertisement in "The Age" on January 3rd 1981 stated that an English medium-psychic surgeon would be commencing practice in Melbourne the Australian Skeptics swung into action.
A wander through the decades of digitised Australian newspapers on a search for references to Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Fairies.
1920.12.04 - The Maitland Weekly Mercury 1921.01.15 - The Daily Telegraph - Sydney 1922.12.09 - The Daily Mail - Brisbane 1983.03.21 - The Canberra Times
A chat with Deborah Hyde, editor of The Skeptic magazine (UK). Vampires and more vampires! Move over Buffy as Deborah tells all about the creatures of the night - A Week in Science with Dr Tania Meyer - Dr Rachie Reports with Dr Rachael Dunlop. From QED in Manchester, Dr Rachie chats to ex-cop Stevyn Colgan about problem solving - Maynard interviews Scott Bartle about his concerns with government.