0:00:00Introduction Richard Saunders 0:03:06Adrienne Hill on the High Seas
During a recent visit to the Skeptic Zone studios, Adrienne spoke to Richard Saunders about her voyage from Sydney to New Zealand. What magical thinking and woo did she find on board the vessel? Find out as Adrienne recounts tales of the high seas. 0:24:42Saunders talks Skeptics in the Pub
In 2006, Richard Saunders appeared on Sydney radio to chat with Glenn Wheeler about being a skeptic, TV Psychics and Sydney Skeptics in the Pub. Not much has changed in almost 20 years.
A chat with Leisha Camden from the Norway Skeptics. What is her view of the state of science, reason and education in Norway? - An Irish Adventure. A stroll in the park with Fionnuala Murphy from the Irish Skeptics and then a visit to a real Irish pub... complete with singing! - QED in Manchester. First day of QED. Richard Saunders and Dr Rachie feed a goose? - A Week in Science with Dr Paul Willis - The Think Tank - USA. Join Travis Roy, Steve Lunquist, Andrew Handsford and Dale Roy as they chat about the recent NEXUS conference, TAM USA, conspiracy theories and.... popcorn?