It's All-In August! Today, a conversation about what happens when your life hits a massive pothole. We include a few stories about people who are doing remarkable things in their lives and for others after they have gone through massive things. Dana Gage and The LV Project Jill and Brad Sullivan's ministry While We're WaitingKristin Smedley's incredible story and work Scriptures: Joshua 3:5, II Peter 1:3 Are you with us? Send a voicemail and let us know who you are, where you live, and that you'...
Aug 03, 2024•27 min•Ep 9•Transcript available on Metacast It's All-In August! Today, a look at the crucial strategy of being willing to change approaches. Scriptures: Joshua 3:5, II Peter 1:3 Are you with us? Send a voicemail and let us know who you are, where you live, and that you're All-In! Books: All In, by Mark Batterson, Turning Pro by Steven Pressfield, Hope Is the First Dose by me, and The Practice by Seth Godin Follow me @drleewarren on Instagram for daily inspiration. Leave a voicemail with your question or comment! Five Ways You Can Support ...
Aug 02, 2024•22 min•Ep 8•Transcript available on Metacast It's All-In August! Today, a look at the importance of turning pro in our own lives. Scriptures: Joshua 3:5, II Peter 1:3 Are you with us? Send a voicemail and let us know who you are, where you live, and that you're All-In! Books: All In, by Mark Batterson, Turning Pro by Steven Pressfield, Hope Is the First Dose by me Follow me @drleewarren on Instagram for daily inspiration. Leave a voicemail with your question or comment! Five Ways You Can Support this show: Pray for us! Subscribe, like, and...
Aug 01, 2024•31 min•Ep 7•Transcript available on Metacast It's Almost All-In August! Today, a look at the devastating truth in this statement: “What you’re doing, you’re getting better at.” Scriptures: Psalm 37, Psalm 46, Psalm 126 Are you with us? Send a voicemail and let us know who you are, where you live, and that you're All-In! Books: All In, by Mark Batterson, Fully Alive by Susie Larson Theme verse: Psalm 37:4 Follow me @drleewarren on Instagram for daily inspiration. Leave a voicemail with your question or comment! Five Ways You Can Support thi...
Jul 31, 2024•36 min•Ep 5•Transcript available on Metacast It's Almost All-In August! Today for Mind-Change Monday, we've got New York Times bestselling author Mark Batterson with us to get us ready to go all in! For the entire month of August, we're going to smash neuroscience and faith together in new ways to help us break through anything that's been holding us back from going all in. Mark's here to inspire and orient us to the most important aspects of the all in life. You're going to love this talk!Book: All In by Mark Batterson Follow me @drleewar...
Jul 29, 2024•46 min•Ep 4•Transcript available on Metacast Help Me Pick the Best Podcast Conversation of 2024!The winner of the second quarter was Pete Greig! The first quarter winner was Mattie Jackson-Smith! Here are their two episodes back-to back. Take a listen, and you can choose the finalist from the first half of the year. Whichever episode gets the most downloads in the next week will move on to the finals. At the end of the year, we'll let the two semi-finalist winners battle to become the inaugural Dr. Lee Warren Podcast Award winner! Let's li...
Jul 25, 2024•1 hr 8 min•Ep 3•Transcript available on Metacast Help Me Pick the Best Podcast Conversation of 2024!The winner of the second quarter was Pete Greig! The first quarter winner was Mattie Jackson-Smith! Here are their two episodes back-to back. Take a listen, and you can choose the finalist from the first half of the year. Whichever episode gets the most downloads in the next week will move on to the finals. At the end of the year, we'll let the two semi-finalist winners battle to become the inaugural Dr. Lee Warren Podcast Award winner! Let's li...
Jul 24, 2024•45 min•Ep 2•Transcript available on Metacast Welcome to Season 11 of Self-Brain Surgery with Dr. Lee Warren!Today for Mind Change Monday we get very tactical with an operation to abort anxiety and panic in real time. Leave a voicemail with your question or comment! Five Ways You Can Support this show: Pray for us! Subscribe, like, and share it with your friends! (We even have a YouTube channel!) Leave reviews and comments wherever you listen to podcasts! You can become a paid partner of the podcast and get special bonus episodes and lots m...
Jul 22, 2024•37 min•Ep 1•Transcript available on Metacast Here's a self-brain surgery operation you can learn to deal with anxiety in any situation. It's Sunday, and today I'm giving you an operation to handle anxiety whenever it shows up. This is a companion to today's newsletter, which you can get for free by clicking here. In this episode, we develop a strategy to handle anxiety, learn resilience, and become better equipped to face whatever comes along in life. Books Mentioned: Rest and War by Ben Stuart, Hope Is the First Dose by me, and Never Spli...
Jul 21, 2024•45 min•Transcript available on Metacast It's Self-Brain Surgery Saturday!We wrap up Season 10 with a short talk about how you can use your reticular activating system as a filter to help you become healthier, feel better, and be happier in all areas of life. Season 11 starts soon, and we're going to get very tactical about changing our minds and our lives with self-brain surgery. Leave a voicemail with your question or comment! Five Ways You Can Support this show: Pray for us! Subscribe, like, and share it with your friends! (We even ...
Jul 20, 2024•32 min•Ep 100•Transcript available on Metacast It's Frontal Lobe Friday!Today, our last look at perception and perspective, a new way to look at suffering, and learning how to separate circumstance from happiness.(Bonus episode before season 10 finale tomorrow!) Leave a voicemail with your question or comment! Five Ways You Can Support this show: Pray for us! Subscribe, like, and share it with your friends! (We even have a YouTube channel!) Leave reviews and comments wherever you listen to podcasts! You can become a paid partner of the podca...
Jul 19, 2024•29 min•Transcript available on Metacast Is Self-Brain Surgery "Real Surgery"?This episode answers that question! (Throwback Thursday for inter-season interlude) Season 11 is coming next week! The season 10 finale will be tomorrow, a final Frontal Lobe Friday to get you ready for the amazing Season 11, which starts Monday! Leave a voicemail with your question or comment! Five Ways You Can Support this show: Pray for us! Subscribe, like, and share it with your friends! (We even have a YouTube channel!) Leave reviews and comments whereve...
Jul 18, 2024•26 min•Transcript available on Metacast Glioblastoma is the deadliest form of human cancer Today (Wednesday, July 17th) is Glioblastoma Awareness Day. Check out this link from the Brain Tumor Foundation to learn more about this devastating disease. This episode also shares some information about glioblastoma from my perspective, and a little bit about my book, I’ve Seen the End of You, in which I share stories of what I’ve learned from these brave patients and their families. You can also watch this video on YouTube (part of Monday's ...
Jul 17, 2024•49 min•Transcript available on Metacast It’s Mind-Change Monday! A new take on the sixth commandment of Self-Brain Surgery, "I must not make an operation out of everything." Announcement:Wednesday, July 17th is Glioblastoma Awareness Day. Check out this link from the Brain Tumor Foundation to learn more about this devastating disease. This episode also shares some information about glioblastoma from my perspective, and a little bit about my book, I’ve Seen the End of You, in which I share stories of what I’ve learned from these brave ...
Jul 15, 2024•32 min•Ep 99•Transcript available on Metacast It’s Mind-Change Monday! Thoughts from the riverbank about the situations we're born into, and how we can either blame our parents for our lives, or we can recognize how things came to be and decide to change. Also, airplanes, grapes, and a bunch of other metaphors to help you perform the self-brain surgery you need to change your mind about starting points, trauma, and what you leave behind for your kids. We cover a lot of ground in this one! Also, be sure to check out The Spiritual Brain Surge...
Jul 08, 2024•33 min•Ep 98•Transcript available on Metacast Help Me Pick the Best Podcast Conversation of 2024!For the next two weeks, I'll replay the top-two most downloaded interviews for the second quarter oft his year. Then we'll have a survey for you to vote and choose a winner to move onto the semi-finals. The first quarter winner was Mattie Jackson-Smith! After we choose a winner from Q2, you can choose the finalist from the first half of the year by voting between the first two winners (Mattie Jackson-Smith and whoever wins Q2). At the end of the...
Jul 03, 2024•43 min•Ep 96•Transcript available on Metacast It’s Mind-Change Monday! When you learn the thought biopsy procedure, one potential diagnosis is the dreaded LAS: Lousy Attitude Syndrome. Click here to read my self-brain surgery weekly letter from this week, in which I teach you strategies to perform the Lousy Attitude Lobotomy operation to handle LAS when it appears. Today, we go deeper into LAS, what it is, how to lobotomize it, and a solid plan to improve the space between our ears so we become healthier, feel better, and be happier! Also, ...
Jul 01, 2024•32 min•Ep 97•Transcript available on Metacast It’s Self-Brain Surgery Saturday! “Pain is inevitable. But suffering is optional” Haruki Murakami Today, a very personal talk about how to reframe our thinking about long-held narratives, God’s answer to our prayers, and the difference between pain and suffering. “After all, man is that being who invented the gas chambers of Auschwitz; however, he is also that being who entered those gas chambers upright, with the Lord’s Prayer or the Shema Yisrael on his lips. “ Viktor Frankl, Man’s Search for ...
Jun 29, 2024•32 min•Transcript available on Metacast Learning to Think About Our Thinking is a Key to Empowered, Happier Living. Today for Frontal Lobe Friday, some thoughts on how we hear two kinds of thoughts in our heads, a look at artificial intelligence, and a powerful tool to help you manage your mind. This talk will fill you with hope, and open your eyes to a new and more powerful way to operate your brain! Leave a voicemail with your question or comment! Five Ways You Can Support this show: Pray for us! Subscribe, like, and share it with y...
Jun 28, 2024•43 min•Ep 95•Transcript available on Metacast Help Me Pick the Best Podcast Conversation of 2024!For the next two weeks, I'll replay the top-two most downloaded interviews for the second quarter oft his year. Then we'll have a survey for you to vote and choose a winner to move onto the semi-finals. The first quarter winner was Mattie Jackson-Smith! After we choose a winner from Q2, you can choose the finalist from the first half of the year by voting between the first two winners (Mattie Jackson-Smith and whoever wins Q2). At the end of the...
Jun 26, 2024•1 hr 10 min•Ep 94•Transcript available on Metacast It's Mind Change Monday! Today, a powerful tool to help you gain control of harmful thinking. You can download a free worksheet to help you with the thought biopsy by clicking here. Podcast Mentioned: Theology in the Raw with my friend Dr. Preston Sprinkle. Here's a link to my appearance on his show last year.Scripture: II Corinthians 10:5, Romans 12:2, Philippians 4:6-8 Book Mentioned: Your Brain is Always Listening by Daniel Amen Leave a voicemail with your question or comment! Five Ways You C...
Jun 24, 2024•38 min•Ep 92•Transcript available on Metacast It's Frontal Lobe Friday! Today, a powerful tool to help you heal by making one important mental switch in your life. Leave a voicemail with your question or comment! Five Ways You Can Support this show: Pray for us! Subscribe, like, and share it with your friends! (We even have a YouTube channel!) Leave reviews and comments wherever you listen to podcasts! You can become a paid partner of the podcast and get special bonus episodes and lots more content by clicking here. Visit one of our affilia...
Jun 21, 2024•27 min•Ep 91•Transcript available on Metacast Sometimes You Don't Have the Words to Say, or Even to PrayHere's a strategy for you.Scripture: Psalm 19, Psalm 103, Psalm 111, John 1, Romans 1And for Throwback Theology Thursday, a look at happiness, joy, and contentment.Books Mentioned: Bird by Bird by Anne Lamott and Happiness by Randy Alcorn Leave a voicemail with your question or comment! Five Ways You Can Support this show: Pray for us! Subscribe, like, and share it with your friends! (We even have a YouTube channel!) Leave reviews and com...
Jun 20, 2024•1 hr 8 min•Ep 90•Transcript available on Metacast Surgical Training is Hard, But It's Crucial to Safe Practice Today, a look back at something called a "Surgical Approach," and why knowing multiple approaches is so important. This has everything to do with learning and practicing self-brain surgery too! Surgeons who only know one approach get stuck, and sometimes cannot complete an operation safely. Choosing the right approach makes all the difference, and this episode will help you learn the approaches to your own life and self-brain surgery p...
Jun 19, 2024•50 min•Transcript available on Metacast Flashback to the Beginning of Season 10! Today, we respond to a listener who asked the important question of what to do and say when someone has just experienced trauma, tragedy, or some other massive thing (TMT). Scripture: Romans 12:15 Books Mentioned: This is Hard by Jon Swanson, Walking with God Through Pain and Suffering by Timothy Keller, Hope Is the First Dose by me My Advice When Speaking to Others after TMT:1. Show up and shut up (I stole this from Jon Swanson)2. Tears over talking3. Em...
Jun 18, 2024•25 min•Ep 89•Transcript available on Metacast It's Mind Change Monday! Today, a flashback to 2022, when we gave you a First Aid Kit From the Future. If You Could Go Back In Time, What Advice Would You Give Yourself? Here's a first aid kit from the future, to help you start today! Scripture: Psalm 19:14 14 Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heartbe acceptable in your sight,O Lord, my rock and my redeemer. Proverbs 17:27 TPTCan you bridle your tongue when your heart is under pressure? That’s how you show that you are wise. An ...
Jun 17, 2024•25 min•Transcript available on Metacast It's Self-Brain Surgery Saturday! We're learning a new way to pray and learn to use our minds to change our brains, and help us seek the abundance and peace Jesus promised us in John 10:10! Today, we take the ABIDE practice one level deeper, and learn a self-brain surgery operation that will help us become healthier, feel better, and be happier in any area of our lives. Neuroscience and faith smash together hard in this one! Remember the ABIDE prayer/meditation practice:Level I (Hearing):Approac...
Jun 15, 2024•51 min•Transcript available on Metacast It's Frontal Lobe Friday! Today, a look at where we go to perform the self-brain surgery we need to change our minds and change our lives! Five Ways You Can Support this show: Pray for us! Subscribe, like, and share it with your friends! (We even have a YouTube channel!) Leave reviews and comments wherever you listen to podcasts! You can become a paid partner of the podcast and get special bonus episodes and lots more content by clicking here. Visit one of our affiliate partners and consider usi...
Jun 14, 2024•51 min•Ep 88•Transcript available on Metacast It's Wildcard Wednesday! Today, a throwback of my talk from last October with the incredible Erwin Raphael McManus about his book, Mind Shift: It Doesn't Take a Genius to Think Like One. This is the best personal transformation book I've ever read. Please be aware that the free books have already been given away. Mental toughness, mental clarity, and mental health all have one thing in common: The journey begins in your mind. In this radical guide, the award-winning author of The Last Arrow illu...
Jun 12, 2024•52 min•Ep 87•Transcript available on Metacast Erin Loechner had a million followers on social media. She was at the top of her game as an influencer when she realized that something was very wrong. Join me for a compelling conversation with Erin about why she decided to walk away from that career, and from social media altogether, to start a new life with her husband and kids as an Opt-Out Family. Her new book, The Opt-Out Family: How to Give Your Kids What Technology Can't is an incredibly important new idea for families, parents, and gran...
Jun 11, 2024•41 min•Ep 86•Transcript available on Metacast