Episode description
Welcome back to this weeks Monday motivation!
Today Brad and I talk about advice from Walt Disney himself :)
"The best way to get started is to quit talking and start doing!"
This advice is the cornerstone of recovery, most people are stuck in perpetual overthinking mode, otherwise known as analysis paralysis.
Most people with PTSD have this problem and feel overwhelmed 24/7 and therefore get nothing done. Today we show you how you can "quit talking and start doing" so you can start to see massive changes in your recovery!
Free PTSD Recovery Training "How You Can Quickly Overcome PTSD/CPTSD, And Regain Control Of Your Life For Good" http://www.overcomingptsd.info/go
Free book - "3 Amazing Relief Tools For PTSD Anxiety" https://www.overcomingptsd.info/free-book
Email me with your question for our Friday Q&A! Kayleen@OvercomingPTSD.info
To your recovery!