Welcome to our first PTSD Myth Marathon episode! Myth #1 is: It’s impossible to heal because PTSD changes your brain.
Brad and I are going to go through the top 13 or so myths about PTSD that cause people to feel hopeless and out of control.
The first PTSD myth we cover is one that I hear ALL the time from people who have PTSD, “Its impossible to heal because PTSD changed my brain and is permanently damaged”.
This myth is particularly dangerous because it’s actually half true!
If you have heard this myth, or believe in this myth, then this episode will really help you break that limiting belief. And thinking that PTSD changes your brain is a major limiting belief that might even be the reason why you feel hopeless or why you’ve given up on trying to heal.
In order to move forward with your healing you must learn how to identify these false beliefs and myths about PTSD, or else they could drag you down into a dark hopeless hole… a place where I’ve been before, but not a place you need to be.
So I hope this episode helps give you some valuable insight into your recovery journey!
And if you liked this make sure to stay tuned for the rest of the series where we uncover even more myths that could be holding you back from full recovery!
If you’d like to register for the free training I talked about in this episode you can go here: https://www.overcomingptsd.info/go
Hope you enjoy the episode! Kayleen