Our BEST PTSD relationship episode EVER!
Today we ask a big question... Is it even possible to save a relationship from PTSD?
More than that...can you be happy together and not just tolerate your existence?
Today we answer that and more. Brad and I go DEEP into the lessons and principles that we learned that made us successful in healing our PTSD and saving our relationship.
We show you the core foundational principles that you need to learn and more importantly apply to your life, relationship, and recovery.
Like I said, this is our best PTSD relationship show yet, so hold on tight and listen up!
Here's what we're covering:
1 - What does it REALLY take to heal your relationship?
2 - The 4 core principles and strategies to save your relationship
3 - The very first step to saving your relationship so you can start TODAY
Free PTSD Relationship Case Study On How To Save Your Relationship For Good - https://www.overcomingptsd.info/love
At the end of the case study you get the opportunity to schedule a call with me or Brad so we can help you one on one save your relationship.
Thanks for listening! Kayleen & Brad