Episode description
Some days it's hard to get out of bed...when those days come you want to be prepared with a plan.
Today Brad and I talk about 3 things you can do to get yourself up and motivated again, and the key thing that is required.
We share techniques that we used when we were still struggling with PTSD, and systems that you can implement to ensure you're motivated for years on end.
It can feel impossible to just get up some days, but it's not. Today we show you how to fight back and win!
To your recovery!
PS Want to learn more about the online PTSD recovery program I run? Right now I'm running a free training where I show you the only 3 things you need to know to overcome PTSD for good, and at the end I talk about my recovery program "Broken To Unbreakable". Broken To Unbreakable has helped people all around the world make full recoveries from home. We've helped people in the USA, UK, Australia, New Zealand, Brazil, Poland, Sweden, and much more. All you need is an internet connection and a will to win. If you're interested in learning more about how you can join BTU just click the link below and sign up for one of my free trainings! Here it is - https://www.overcomingptsd.info/go Hope to see you there :)