Well if the title does not grab your attention then this episode is not for you!
This episode is all about using AI to generate satellite imagery using generative adversarial networks ( GANs ).
That might sound scary if you have not used to working with AI but Ron Hagensieker does a brilliant job of walking us through the concept and the process.
Ron is the founder and CEO of OSIR.IO and you can reach out to him here: ron@osir.io The Colab can be found here: https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1pHdPcJTT8khavFUbiha6JbnhDG2T048L#scrollTo=LBbFBh0TIZ2H This is the website that Ron made http://thiscitydoesnotexist.com/ Some more examples of artificially generated images can be found here https://thisxdoesnotexist.com/A podcast about Super Resolution
A podcast about Open Source Intelligence
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