On today’s episode, we are talking all about public speaking. Public speaking is a skill you must practice as a instructional designer. Its not a common skill to hear about in our field, but the more I was growing in my career, the more and more I was talking in front of a crowd. If you think about it, public speaking is in other areas of our lives like interviews, teaching, giving a presentation on our courses, presenting at conferences. Simply put, I believe instructional designers will be doing more in public speaking for years to come. To help us unpack all of this, I needed to find a expert in the field and luckily, I’m friends with Dr. Dawn DiPeri. She’s a learning designer at Harvard University’s Graduate School of Education and the Owner of East End Advertising. Besides the fact that she’s a learning nerd like us, she even did her dissertation on communication skills for online learners.
What we talked about:
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Want to take your higher education instructional design skills to the next level? Check out Instructional Design Institute.
Recording a podcast or conducting interviews online? Check out SquadCast.
Do you want to become a corporate instructional designer? Check out Idol Courses Academy!