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"Being authentic in who you are is the answer. For me, when I found my purpose in Christ, when I found my purpose in following the Most High, that really solidified me. Because you could be multifaceted, but without a purpose, you're just a busy person." - Jason Wilson
In a deeply moving conversation, Jason Wilson shares his powerful journey of transformation from being what he calls a "THUG" (Traumatized Human Unable to Grieve) to becoming an emotionally whole man. Growing up in Detroit surrounded by gangs and drug dealers, Wilson spent years trapped in traditional masculine expectations, unable to express emotions beyond toughness and strength. It wasn't until his marriage began falling apart in 2015 that he was forced to confront his childhood trauma, father wound, and the generational pain that had shaped his worldview.
Wilson's story takes an unexpected turn as he reveals the profound reconciliation with his father before his passing, uncovering layers of historical context about pastors, pimps, and the complex racial dynamics of Detroit's past. Through his father's workaholic lifestyle that led to Parkinson's disease and his mother's journey with trauma and eventual peace through dementia, Wilson learned vital lessons about rest, letting go, and the true meaning of success. His insights challenge conventional notions of masculinity while offering a path toward emotional and spiritual wholeness.
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