Dr. Andrea Dutton and Dr. Stacy Jupiter, two MacArthur "Genius" Fellows (just named last week!), join the podcast this week to talk about their research and careers, what it was like to receive this incredible honor, and how this grant will impact their careers. We also get their take on last week's IPCC report on the state of our oceans.
Plus, Dusty Baker, legendary baseball manager, player, and now, solar entrepreneur, talks to us about why he got into the renewable energy business (and also a little baseball...because, hey, it's October!).
As always, follow us @climatepod on Twitter and email us at theclimatepod@gmail.com. Our music is "Gotta Get Up" by The Passion Hifi, check out his music at thepassionhifi.com. Rate, review and subscribe to this podcast on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher and more!
Follow Dr. Andrea Dutton on Twitter @DrAndreaDutton
Follow Dr. Stacy Jupiter on Twitter @StacyDJupiter
The MacArthur Fellow video profile on Dr. Andrea Dutton: https://www.macfound.org/fellows/1035/
The MacArthur Fellow video profile on Dr. Stacy Jupiter: https://www.macfound.org/fellows/1041/
For more info on the Baker Energy Team: https://www.bakerenergyteam.com/
Further Reading:
The Oceans We Know Won't Survive Climate Change (by Robinson Meyer at The Atlantic): https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2019/09/ipcc-sea-level-rise-report/598765/
The IPCC's "Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate" https://www.ipcc.ch/srocc/home/