In episode #102, hear about my lovely Robin encounter, listeners share their summer birding moments and find out how to join our team for the Global Bird Weekend in October.
Timestamps & Links:
In case you missed it, last episode I spoke with Mike Drew, biodiversity advisor, licensed bird ringer and Nightingale population recorder.
Mike told me about the incredible journeys that Nightingales make and how advances in technology have helped us understand the challenges they face in both their wintering and breeding locations.
A trusting Robin gets its own supply of mealworms, and we hear the amazing call of a Nightjar
We hear from Karin, Andrew, Nish, Gemma, Matthew, Marylee, and Christopher
Middle Creek Wildlife Management Area, Pennsylvania
Sandwich Bay Bird Observatory
Tell me about your bird sightings
Join our team for the Global Birding Weekend on October 8-10.
There will be exclusive virtual events for members of the Casual Birder Podcast Team.
Casual Birder Podcast Team sign-up
Global Birding site
JustGiving page for Team donations
Past episode on Global Bird Weekend
Buy me a virtual coffee or two and help me create episode transcriptions.
Transcriptions are an important aide to accessibility for some listeners, and require several hours of work. Your help will allow me to pay for their production.
Paul Fenwick shares a morning soundscape from Mount Totumas Cloud Forest Reserve, Panama on the morning of 7th June 2021. It includes Rufous-browed Peppershrike and Clay-colored Thrush, and Mantled Howler Monkeys!
See Paul’s eBird list from this morning here:
Thank you to Randy Braun for designing the artwork for the show.
The theme music is Short Sleeved Shirt by The Drones. Thanks to them for letting me use it. Check out their website at
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The Casual Birder Podcast Website
Paul Fenwick shares 4 minutes of the morning soundscape from Mount Totumas Cloud Forest Reserve, Panama, 7th June 2021.