Bryan Miltenberg is the proud principal of Aquebogue Elementary School in Riverhead, New York. He's been a teacher, dean, and middle school assistant principal, and has presented and published on topics including school climate and culture, instructional technology, self-aware leadership, inclusivity, time management, and co-teaching partnerships. Against all logic, he remains a suffering lifelong Mets and Jets fan.
Show Highlights
“I tell that story, not to say that it's radical to have a greeter or to have a bilingual person, but because it's symbolic of what we're trying to do in terms of telling kids, families and staff, we accept you as you are. We're gonna make the adjustments that we need to make to support you rather than force you to do something you may not be able to do yet.”
-Bryan Miltenberg
Bryan’s Resources & Contact Info: Read my latest book!
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