Clayton Reedie is the current Director for the Campbelltown Principal’s Network in Sydney, the equivalent of a District Superintendent in the United States.
He began as a teacher in 1991 and from there earned early promotion to Executive Teacher, Assistant Principal and then Deputy Principal. Clayton’s first Principalship was at Mount Hunter, a small country school of 58 students. Further principal positions followed at Chipping Norton, Hinchinbrook and finally at Dalmeny Public School.
In 2019, Clayton left the school-based role to become a Principal (School Leadership) a position which centred on providing support and professional development to principals and school leadership teams. Earlier this year he was successful in being promoted into his current role of Director.
Clayton was honoured to be elected by his peers to lead the Liverpool Primary Principals’ Association as President for three years from 2011 to 2014 and in 2016 he was awarded a full scholarship to study at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts.
Clayton lives in south-western Sydney and his greatest love is spending time with his wife, Nikki, and five boys aged 6, 13, 16, 19 and 22. They entertain, enlighten, love and give… but most of all keep him very much grounded in reality.
Show Highlights"We need a heart shift before a mind shift." And that's because when people connect with an idea, emotionally, they're moved to action. There's no amount of numbers or logic that can change what somebody thinks, but if they can put themselves in somebody else's shoes, just for a moment, maybe just maybe they'll have an epiphany and want to do what is right.
- Clayton Reedie
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