#910 Nov. 20, 2022
On our latest show: An amazing bird discovery in New Guinea; an Audio Postcard from West Virginia; and birding festivals in Florida and Virginia.
On our latest show: An amazing bird discovery in New Guinea; an Audio Postcard from West Virginia; and birding festivals in Florida and Virginia.
On our latest show: Great Horned Owls in Mike’s backyard; a trilingual environmental radio show from Paraguay; and and Audio Postcard from Zealand.
On our latest show: a new bird migration record; a new bird species discovery; British Columbia’s battle against rodenticides; and Mike’s explanation about cardinals.
On our latest show, author Joan Strassmann explains the joys of Slow Birding. Plus, we meet a bird with a plume on its pileum, and Mike talks about Rhode Island Reds, and Red-billed Queleas.
On our latest show: 100 Flying Birds: Photographing the Mechanics of Flight; a hummingbird-filled Audio Postcard; and Mike gives a thumbs down to mothballs.
On our latest show: The State of U.S. birds; an Avian Audio Postcard from Utah; and Mike explains bird bill-wiping.
On our latest show: Waiting for wintering finches; joining Citizen Science projects; and postponing an Ivory-billed Woodpecker extinction declaration.
On our latest show: The state of the world’s birds; a bird flu update; and a “mountain” shorebird that frequents neither the mountains nor the shore.
The “Goldilocks Bird”; how to get the most out of a guided birding trip; another great migration-watching site; and the real reasons that birds stand on one leg —The “Goldilocks Bird”; how to get the most out of a guided birding trip; another great migration-watching site; and the real reasons that birds stand on one leg — all on our latest show.
On our latest show: The magic of BirdCast; saving Least Terns in San Diego; and a salute to a man who gave away his company.
On our latest show (#900!), we hear from contributors and listeners from all over the country (and Canada); we introduce a contest through which someone will win a fabulous Vortex spotting scope; and we learn about the remarkable Laysan Albatross.
How did Ray meet Mike O’Connor? What was Ray’s first radio job? Who does his hair and makeup? This episode answers all these questions and many more.
On Our Latest Show: An Acorn Woodpecker Audio Postcard; a Birding Festivals preview; curbing Canada Geese; and platform feeders for backyard bird action.
Ray was interviewed by host Chris Spatola of “ACC Today” on SiriusXM's Atlantic Coast Conference sports channel. They talked about Conference teams that have birds for mascots, such as the University of Miami, Boston College, and Virginia Tech.
An avian audio postcard from Chesapeake Bay; a bird flu update; good bird news from Colombia; and a visit to the Talkin’ Birds Book Nest — all on our latest show.
On our latest show: an answer to where all the catbirds and mockingbirds have gone; the world’s leading expert on bird window crashes; a bird that sounds like a coffee drink; and an Audio Postcard from Alabama.
On our latest show: A Pocket Guide to Pigeon Watching; the songbird that catches fish; and Mike O’Connor’s experience with a bird song ID app.
On our latest show: An audio postcard from Rocky Mountain National Park; a big birding festival in Arizona; best food for hummingbirds; and help for migratory monarchs.
On Our Latest Show: A Least Tern Audio Postcard from San Diego; a Science Corner report on how extreme heat affects bird populations; and an unexpected sighting by Mike O’Connor.
On our latest show: The strange (and stinky) Hoatzin; a Wood Stork Audio Postcard; and Green Herons nesting in Mike's back yard.
On our latest show: Good bird news from Florida; good conservation news from California; and an audio postcard from New York.
On our latest show: Two Steller’s Sea Eagles in North America? Is the Ivory-bill extinct, or not? And what does Mike suggest for feeding fledglings at your feeders?
On our latest show: An Avian Audio Postcard from Western Idaho; monitoring Great Crested Flycatchers in Massachusetts; and how birds keep cool in the hot weather.
On our latest show: Avian Audio Postcards from Maine and New Zealand; a bird flu update; and top-quality bird feeding advice from our expert, Mike O’Connor.
On Our Latest Show: a bird that would rather be heard than seen; a backyard bluebird mystery; and the new Lower 48 Big Year Record Holder.
On our latest show: Prothonotary Warblers in Ohio; the BIPOC birding club in Wisconsin; and myth busting from Cape Cod.
On our latest show: Avian Audio Postcards from Delaware and Pennsylvania, a new field guide to birds of Maine; and a salute to a California conservation hero.
On Our Latest Show: Bird rehab in the Avian Flu outbreak; a Fish Crow Audio Postcard; and a Northern Parula pronunciation solution (maybe).
On Our Latest Show: Birding backpacks in Texas; buses going electric in Boston; and cool birds nesting in the Talkin' Birds Garden
On Our Latest Show: Cool birds by the Mexican border; plirding in North Carolina; and a Mike O’Connor experiment with a fake owl and a plateful of peanuts.