#853 Oct. 10, 2021
On our latest show: The Halcyon Bird; two conservation good news stories, and why we should pay more attention to female birds.
On our latest show: The Halcyon Bird; two conservation good news stories, and why we should pay more attention to female birds.
On our latest show: birding guru David Clapp talks about migration, extinctions, and Monk Parakeets. Plus, news about some big conservation efforts.
On Our Latest Show (#851 9/26): A favorite bird of Herman Melville; feeding peanuts in the fall; and a Conservation Question about bottled water.
On Our Latest Show: Saving birds from window crashes in Austin, Texas; a salute to some environmental heroes from Harvard University; and finding birds in community gardens.
On Our Latest Show -- live from the Rhode Island Audubon Nature Center -- we learn about a breeding bird atlas, the fight against a dangerous pesticide, and we get some tips on the best way to buy bird seed.
On Our Latest Show: A California Thrasher Audio Postcard; a modern-day pterodactyl; a bird with forked-tongue; and good conservation news from Cape Cod and France.
On Our Latest Show: How birds keep cool in late summer heat; how to keep bees out of hummingbird feeders; and how ornithologists found a new bird species.
On Our Latest Show: An exciting Birding Big Year; a new word for an interesting bird behavior; and Mike tries out a new Bird ID app feature.
On our latest show: Monsoon season in Arizona; an Audio Postcard from the woods of Maine; a bird disease update; and an ornery customer in Mike O'Connor's Birdwatcher's General Store.
On Our Latest Show: Bird sound ID with the updated Merlin app; a likely cause of the recent bird illness outbreak; and Mike O’Connor has some thoughts about bees.
On our latest show: Wild bird rehab; a mockingbird vs. cat audio postcard; an update on a mysterious bird illness; and a conservation salute to a surprising electric car adopter.
On Our Latest Show: bilingual birding in California; a continent-conquering collared-dove; and some much needed good conservation news.
On Our Latest Show: Birding the Black Belt; a mystery bird illness over the east and midwest; and a surprising recipient of our Conservation Salute of the Week
On Our Latest Show (#840 7/11): Thomas Jefferson’s favorite bird; an avian audio postcard from Arizona; and the importance of Plastic-free July
On our Latest Show: House Wrens, Habitat Heroes, Duck Stamps, and Summer Tanagers
On Our Latest Show: saving birds north and south; the spectacular Glossy Ibis; and our Mike O’Connor hosts Great Crested Flycatchers in his backyard.
On Our Latest Show: The tea-drinking “Ground Robin”; Pride Month in the birding world; and hummingbird feeding advice from backyard birding guru Mike O’Connor.
On our latest show (#835 6/6): World Swift Day; Black Birders Week; and an FDA warning about Cicadas.
On our latest show: what neonics are doing to bees...and birds. Plus, we meet our smallest vireo, and Mike explains why this is a great time for backyard birds.
On Our Latest Show: Bird Banding in Thunder Bay, Ontario; Tree Swallows nesting in the Talkin’ Birds Garden; Chimney Swift towers going up in Ohio; and a Conservation Salute to the State of Washington.
On our latest show: Sebastian Moreno tells us about Latino Outdoors; we celebrate a milestone for Bird Names for Birds; we listen to an Osprey Audio Postcard; and Mike explains the problems with puddles.
On our latest show (#831 5/9): Spring Migration talk with the great Kenn Kaufman; the “best bird mom”; a cicada explosion; and cautious optimism about climate change.
On Our Latest Show (#830 5/2): Dawn Chorus Day; martins on the move; and a new discovery about how birds keep warm in cold weather.
On Our Latest Show: Finch expert Matt Young explains the winter finch explosion; Mike O’Connor offers oriole observations; and a southwestern bird visits the northeast.
On Our Latest Show: A new mobile game for IDing birds; spring birds in Minnesota; and the problem with worms.
On Our Latest Show: The Biggest Week in American Birding; an Audio Postcard from a Gulf Coast birding hotspot; and more excellent advice from our backyard bird feeding expert Mike O’Connor.
On our latest show: Watching Swallow-tailed Kites on an Alabama farm; controlling the grackles trying to take over your bird feeders; and some good conservation news from an unexpected source.
On Our Latest Show: Tree Swallows in the Talkin' Birds Garden; good news about Bald Eagle populations; and encouraging survival news about a southern woodpecker.
On Our Latest Show: The Bird DIva explains Slow Birding; Mike reports on some bird courses and videos; we get an Audio Postcard from Alabama; and we report on a conservation effort in Maine.