Dì wǔshíliù zhāng zhì zhě bù yán, yán zhě bùzhī. Cuò qí ruì, jiě qí fēn, hé qí guāng, tóng qí chén, shì wèi `xuán tóng' . Gù bùkě dé ér qīn, bùkě dé ér shū﹔bùkě dé ér lì, bùkě dé ér hài﹔ bùkě dé ér guì, bùkě dé ér jiàn. Gù wéi tiānxià guì. ---------------------------------------- 56. Impartiality Who understands does not preach; Who preaches does not understand.
Reserve your judgments and words; Smooth differences and forgive disagreements; Dull your wit and simplify your purpose; Accept the world.
Then, Friendship and enmity, Profit and loss, Honour and disgrace, Will not affect you; The world will accept you.
真正了解大道的人不去多加解說,一定要把大道解說清楚的人不是真正知道大道的人。因為大道是無法用語言文字解說清楚的。 堵塞自己的口耳,關閉自己的眼鼻,不去受道聽途說的干擾;解除自己的稜角,排除紛雜的頭緒,讓自己的心靈與自然之光相和諧,與大地塵土同在,也就是說物我合一而不強調自我的存在,這可以叫做與玄妙的的天道同一。 能夠與天道同一,那麼,也就不必再求親近,不必在乎疏遠;談不上對自己是否有利,也談不上對自己是否有害;不必把什麼看作是尊貴的,也不必把什麼看作是卑賤的,這樣才能成為天下真正最為尊貴的。 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It would be a big help if you kindly support my channel with a cup of coffee 欢迎买杯咖杯赞助我的频道,你的小小支持是我的大大帮助 ☕ https://open.firstory.me/join/taiwanaccent