Dì sìshíjiǔ zhāng shèngrén cháng wúxīn, yǐ bǎixìng xīn wéi xīn. Shàn zhě, wú shànzhī﹔ bùshàn zhě, wú yì shànzhī﹔ dé shàn. Xìnzhě, wú xìnzhī﹔ bùxìn zhě, wú yì xìnzhī﹔ dé xìn. Shèngrén zài tiānxià, shè shè yān, wéi tiānxià hún qí xīn, bǎixìng jiē zhù qí ěrmù, shèngrén jiē hái zhī.
49. People The sage does not distinguish between himself and the world; The needs of other people are as his own.
He is good to those who are good; He is also good to those who are not good, Thereby he is good. He trusts those who are trustworthy; He also trusts those who are not trustworthy, Thereby he is trustworthy.
The sage lives in harmony with the world, And his mind is the world's mind. So he nurtures the worlds of others As a mother does her children.
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