Dì sānshíbā zhāng shàng dé bù dé, shì yǐ yǒu dé﹔ xià dé bù shī dé, shì yǐ wú dé. Shàng dé wúwéi ér wú yǐ wèi﹔ xià dé wúwéi ér yǒu yǐ wèi. Shàng rén wéi zhī ér wú yǐ wèi﹔ shàng yì wéi zhī ér yǒu yǐ wèi. Shàng lǐ wéi zhī ér mò zhī yīng, zé rǎngbì ér rēng zhī. Gù shī dào érhòu dé, shī dé érhòu rén, shī rén érhòu yì, shī yì érhòu lǐ. Fū lǐ zhě, zhōngxìn zhī báo, ér luàn zhī shǒu. Qián shí zhě, dào zhī huá, ér yú zhī shǐ. Shì yǐ dàzhàngfū chù qí hòu, bù jū qí báo﹔ chù qíshí, bù jū qí huá. Gùqù bǐ qǔ cǐ. ------------------------------------------------------ 38. Ritual Well established hierarchies are not easily uprooted; Closely held beliefs are not easily released; So ritual enthralls generation after generation.
Harmony does not care for harmony, and so is naturally attained; But ritual is intent upon harmony, and so cannot attain it.
Harmony neither acts nor reasons; Love acts, but without reason; Justice acts to serve reason; But ritual acts to enforce reason.
When the Way is lost, there remains harmony; When harmony is lost, there remains love; When love is lost, there remains justice; But when justice is lost, there remains ritual.
Ritual is the end of compassion and honesty, The beginning of confusion; Belief is a colourful hope or fear, The beginning of folly.
The sage goes by harmony, not by hope; He dwells in the fruit, not the flower; He accepts substance, and ignores abstraction.
道德高尚的人,不必以道德誡命來自律,因為他內心自有道德。道德低下的人, 需要恪守道德誡命,因為他內心沒有道德。 道德高尚的人是無為的,其道德不是刻意為了實現什麼。道德低下的人是在追求道德,其 道德是為了達到某種目的。 有大仁愛的人,是在追求仁愛,卻不是刻意實現某種目的。有大正義的人,是在追求正 義,而且其正義是為了實現某種目的。 有大禮法的人,是在追求禮法,卻沒有人響應,就掄起胳膊去強迫人了。 所以,喪失了大道,這才強調道德;喪失了道德,這才強調仁愛;喪失了仁愛,這才強調 正義;喪失了正義,這才強調禮法。所謂禮法,不過表明了忠信的淺薄缺乏,其實是禍亂的端倪了。 所謂人的先見之明,不過採摘了大道的一點虛華,是愚昧的開始。所以,大丈夫立身於豐 滿的大道中,而不站在淺薄的禮法上;立身於大道的樸實中,而不站在智慧的虛華上。據 此而取捨。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ It would be a big help if you kindly support my channel with a cup of coffee 欢迎买杯咖杯赞助我的频道,你的小小支持是我的大大帮助 ☕ https://open.firstory.me/join/taiwanaccent