Quǎn shǒuyè, jī sī chén, gǒu bù xué, hé wéirén? Cán tǔ sī, fēng niàng mì, rén bù xué, bùrú wù. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- < English Translation> Dogs can guard the house for their owners at night. Roosters can crow at dawn to proclaim the start of a day. Silkworms produce silk which is used to make clothing. Bees make honey which is widely consumed by men. If one does not learn and acquire a strong suit, then one will pale in comparison to these animals and insects in terms of one's contribution to society.
< Explanation in simplified> 狗会在晚上守夜看门,防止盗贼偷盗。 公鸡会在早 晨报晓,提醒人们该起床劳作了。 蚕能吐丝,供给人类织布的原料。 蜜蜂能采花酿蜜,供人食用。 动物都有一技之长,人如果不肯努力学习,不知道上进,就连这些小动物都不如了。