Sūlǎoquán, èrshíqī, shǐ fā fèn, dú shūjí. Bǐ jì lǎo, yóu huǐ chí, ěr xiǎoshēng, yí zǎo sī. Ruò liáng hào, bāshí'èr, duì dà tíng, kuí duō shì. Bǐ jìchéng, zhòng chēng yì, ěr xiǎoshēng, yí lìzhì. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- < English Translation> Su Xun (Whow did the literary name "Lao Quan” belong to, Su Xun or his son Su Shi, is still in dispute), litterateur of the Song Dynasty, did not devote himself to the study of books until he was twenty-seven years old. He often regretted deeply that he did not start learning at an early age. We should spare no efforts on our study when we are young. Liang Hao of the Song Dynasty took the imperial exam at the age of eighty-two and achieved the title of Jinshi (first level). He was respected and admired for his talent and perseverance. We should be inspired by such stories and aspire to achieve great things when we are still young.
< Explanation in simplified> 宋朝文学家苏洵(「老泉」这个别号属于苏洵还是苏轼,至今仍有争议)二十七岁时才开始发愤读书。他很后悔自己年纪大了才醒悟,读书读得太迟。所以我们要趁早学习,不要等到长大了才后悔。宋时的梁灏,八十二岁考中进士,并在朝廷的殿试中对答如流,脱颖而出成为状元。梁濑 年纪这么大还在用功,最后终于获得成功,大家都很钦佩他。我们应向他学习,趁年轻立志努力。
< Explanation in traditional> 宋朝文學家蘇洵(「老泉」這個別號屬於蘇洵還是蘇軾,至今仍有爭議)二十七歲時才開始發憤讀書。他很後悔自己年紀大了才醒悟,讀書讀得太遲。所以我們要趁早學習,不要等到長大了才後悔。宋時的梁灏,八十二歲考中進士,並在朝廷的殿試中對答如流,脫穎而出成為狀元。梁瀨 年紀這麼大還在用功,最後終於獲得成功,大家都很欽佩他。我們應向他學習,趁年輕立志努力。 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------