--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- < English Translation> Could not afford to buy an oil lamp. Che Yin of the Jin Dynasty put fireflies in a bag and used the dim light to read books at night. Another man of the Jin Dynasty, Sun Kang, used the glare reflected off white snow at night to read books. Both men studied diligently und unremittingly despite their poor circumstances. Zhu Maichen of the Han Dynasty earned his living cutting firewood in the hills, and he often read while walking in the woods. Cowherd boy Li Mi of the Sui Dynasty had his books hung on cow horns and read them whenever he could. Although these men had to endure hard labor, they still made great efforts to learn.
< Explanation in simplified> 晋朝人车胤没钱买油点灯,于是他把萤火虫放在袋里照明读书。另外一位普朝人孙康,每到夜晚时利用积雪的反光来读书。他们两人家境贫苦,却能在艰苦条件下坚持学习。汉朝的朱实臣以砍柴为生,常常利用砍柴的空档读书。隋朝 的李密每天放牛的时候把书封在牛角上苦读。他们每天辛苦工作,却依然者发求学,这种精神值得我们学习。
< Explanation in traditional> 晉朝人車胤沒錢買油點燈,於是他把螢火蟲放在袋裡照明讀書。另外一位普朝人孫康,每到夜晚時利用積雪的反光來讀書。他們兩人家境貧苦,卻能在艱苦條件下堅持學習。漢朝的朱實臣以砍柴為生,常常利用砍柴的空檔讀書。隋朝 的李密每天放牛的時候把書封在牛角上苦讀。他們每天辛苦工作,卻依然者發求學,這種精神值得我們學習。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It would be a big help if you kindly support my channel with a cup of coffee 欢迎买杯咖杯赞助我的频道,你的小小支持是我的大大帮助 ☕ https://open.firstory.me/join/taiwanaccent