Èrshí chuán, sānbǎi zǎi, liáng miè zhī, guó nǎi gǎi. Liángtángjìn, jí hàn zhōu, chēng wǔdài, jiē yǒu yóu. Zhào sòng xìng, shòu zhōu chán, shíbā chuán, nánběi hùn. Liáo yǔ jīn, jiēchēng dì, yuán miè jīn, jué sòng shì. ------------------------------------------------------------------ < English Translation> he Tang Dynasty's three-hundred-year reign saw the throne being handed down to twenty generations of emperors until Zhu Wen overthrew the Li family and established the Later Liang Dynasty. The Later Liang, the Later Tang, Later Jin, the Later Han, and the Later Zhou were together called the Five Dynasties, and each one of them lasted only a short period of time. Zhao Kuangyin, the first emperor of the Song Dynasty, forced the last ruler of the Later Zhou, Emperor Gong to give him the throne, and changed the dynastic title into Song The Song Dynasty was divided into the Northern Song period and the Southern Song period and it had eighteen emperors altogether. It was replaced by the Yuan Dynasty in the end. The descendants of the northern minorities, the Liao, Jin and Mongol each founded their states by the end of the Southern Song. The Jin later defeated the Liao, and the Mongol defeated the Jin and the Song, hence established the Yuan Dynasty, and China was again unified.
< Explanation in simplified> 唐朝传了二十代,前后近三百年,直到朱温灭了唐朝,建立后梁。后梁、后唐后晋后汉及后周合称五代 :五代很短暂 - 宋太祖赵匡胤名义上接受后周恭帝的禅让,其实是逼恭帝退位,建立了宋朝。北宋南宋一共传了十八 代,最后被元朝所灭。北方的契丹族所建立的辽国与女真族所建立的金国都先后称帝,后来金减辽、元灭金,南北统一。
< Explanation in traditional> 唐朝傳了二十代,前後近三百年,直到朱溫滅了唐朝,建立後梁。後梁、後唐後晉後漢及後周合稱五代 :五代很短暫 - 宋太祖趙匡胤名義上接受後周恭帝的禪讓,其實是逼恭帝退位,建立了宋朝。北宋南宋一共傳了十八 代,最後被元朝所滅。北方的契丹族所建立的遼國與女真族所建立的金國都先後稱帝,後來金減遼、元滅金,南北統一。 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Welcome to leave a message, thought, suggestion, feedback to me. 如果你对内容有任何问题,想法,建议,都可以留言给我 ? https://open.firstory.me/story/ck9v7bjsoqivi0873td4ux1gc?m=comment